Biogenic Testing of Waste Fuels

Measuring % Biogenic Carbon versus % Fossil Carbon in waste-derived fuels

Waste-derived fuels have biomass-derived portions (e.g. paper, wood) and fossil-based components (e.g. plastics). Examples of waste-derived fuels include municipal solid waste (MSW), refuse-derived fuel (RDF), tire-derived fuel (TDF) and sewage sludge

Biogenic carbon testing uses Carbon-14 technology. Since carbon-14 is only present in living or recently expired material, Carbon-14 testing using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) is the most effective method to determine the percentage of biogenic vs. fossil-derived carbon in these alternative fuels. This is of particular value to energy-intensive industries that use these wastes as substitutes to fossil fuels.

What does “biogenic” mean?

Biogenic means containing carbon (organic and inorganic) of renewable origin like agricultural, plant, animal, fungi, microorganisms, macroorganisms, marine, or forestry materials, according to the ASTM D6866-24 analytical standard.

Quantify the Biogenic Content of Waste Fuels by Carbon-14 Analysis

Beta Analytic’s Biogenic Content Testing Services

Beta Analytic’s Biogenic Content Testing Services

  • Standard Service – results are reported in 7 business days or less
  • Priority Service – 4 business days or less

Ready to submit samples for testing?
Read our guidelines.

For reliable, accurate and fast biogenic testing solutions, choose Beta Analytic.

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Page last updated: January 2024