Natural Product Testing

CEN/TR 17674 – Isotopic Fingerprint of Food Products and Natural Flavors

The CEN Technical Report CEN/TR 17674 provides an overview of existing applications of isotope ratio analysis of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen that are relevant to the analysis of biobased feedstocks, products and production processes. This Technical Report validates the geographic origin and/or isotopic fingerprint of natural flavors, food products and feedstocks. CEN/TR 17674, however, does not provide validation of whether a product is biobased (naturally sourced) or not.

How to Validate Natural-Sourced Ingredients by Carbon-14 Analysis

A recent article published in Food Engineering & Ingredients magazine written by Jordan Turner explains the importance and the benefits of carbon-14 analysis for R&D teams and manufacturers to validate natural-sourced ingredients. Ms. Turner is Beta Analytic’s Marketing Coordinator.

Authenticating Natural-Sourced Food Ingredients with Carbon-14 Analysis

In an article published recently in the Asia & Middle East Food Trade Journal, Beta Analytic described the use of Carbon-14 analysis as a tool to identify economically motivated adulteration in natural ingredients.

Turmeric Case Study: Verifying “Natural” Claims by Carbon-14 and HPLC Analyses

In collaboration with the Eurofins lab and the non-profit Global Curcumin Association, ISO 17025-accredited Beta Analytic recently published a case study using an orthogonal testing strategy to verify “all-natural” label claims of dietary supplements containing turmeric ingredients.

Authenticating Natural CBD through Carbon-14 Testing

Natural product testing through carbon-14 analysis is used to detect ingredient adulteration by differentiating between biological-derived and fossil fuel-derived sources. It has become a powerful tool for authenticating 100% biobased cannabidiol-based (CBD) ingredients.

“Natural vs Synthetic” Huperzine A

A case study on Huperzine A featured in the June 2020 issue of Nutraceuticals World shows how a plant-based nutraceutical can be vulnerable to adulteration through the use of fossil-derived synthetics. Huperzine A is a supplement ingredient extracted from the clubmoss Huperzia serrata. The case study used two methods to detect ingredient adulteration ⁠— High […]

Carbon-14 Test Shows Biobased Content of Skincare Products

A recent edition of Personal Care North America features Beta Analytic’s article highlighting the importance of Carbon-14 testing in the skincare industry.

Natural Cosmetics Act – Defining “Natural” vs “Naturally-Derived”

A landmark bill introduced by Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney at the 116th U.S. Congress aims to amend the 1938 Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act such that cosmetics with packaging or labeling using the term “natural” will be considered as misbranded if they do not meet certain standards.

Carbon-14 Analysis Brings Transparency to “Natural” Claims

Consumers all over the world are increasingly seeking more plant-based goods. The rise of plant-based eating is driven by multiple concerns including reducing environmental impact and supporting a healthy diet. This trend has also manifested in the cosmetics industry in the demand for natural, plant-based ingredients and packaging.

Carbon-14 Testing can Verify if Ingredients are Naturally Sourced

The rising consumer demand for naturally sourced supplements highlights the need to test botanical ingredients for potential adulteration, Beta Analytic’s Haley Gershon explains in a recent article published in Natural Products Insider.

Essential Oils Testing – Natural vs Synthetic

In an article published recently in Personal Care Europe, Beta Analytic’s marketing specialist Haley Gershon described the value of Carbon-14 testing in the growing essential oils industry as a tool to help stop the spread of synthetic, petrochemical-derived ingredients erroneously labeled as “natural”.

Authenticating the Biobased Content of Flavors and Fragrances

Ingredient adulteration and mislabeling of flavors and fragrances are often due to consumer demand for naturally sourced ingredients, the relatively high prices for these commodities, and the often limited availability of plant material. In a recent article, Beta Analytic Marketing Specialist Haley Gershon describes how carbon-14 testing provides reassurance that ingredient origin of flavors and […]

Identifying Synthetic vs. Natural Fragrances

Beta Analytic’s marketing specialist Haley Gershon offers insight into identifying adulterated or synthetic materials to professionals in the fragrance industry. Adulteration of aroma materials, including essential oils and botanical ingredients, is increasingly becoming a concern in the fragrance industry as it is cheaper to use synthetic materials instead of natural ingredients. This leads to the […]

Economic Adulteration in the Natural Products Industry

In an article published recently in Nutritional Outlook, Beta Analytic’s Marketing Specialist Haley Gershon described the value of Carbon-14 testing in the food and flavors industry as a tool in identifying economic adulteration in natural products.

Carbon-14 Testing Verifies “Natural” Claims in Supplements

In a recent publication, Beta Analytic’s marketing specialist Haley Gershon explains how Carbon-14 testing can be used to authenticate natural ingredients used in the supplements industry. As the market for supplements and vitamins grows, it becomes more and more important for suppliers to be able to substantiate claims that their products are “naturally sourced” to […]

How to Identify Fraudulent Natural Products

ISO 17025-accredited Beta Analytic presented the results of its garlic oil case study in an article published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The lab tested five commercially available garlic oil — four were labeled as “natural” and one sample was clearly labeled as “artificial”. All five samples passed GC-MS testing. However, Carbon-14 […]

Natural vs Synthetic Peppermint Oil – How to Screen for Adulteration

In a recent issue of Perfumer & Flavorist, Beta Analytic Marketing Specialist Haley Gershon described how carbon-14 analysis can be used to screen for synthetic petrochemical-derived adulterants in essential oils like peppermint oil.

Natural vs Synthetic Menthol – How to Check for Adulteration

Menthol is a compound that is used across many industries from confectionary to pharmaceutical products. Its popularity and range of applications stems from its activation of cold-sensitive human tissue receptors. There are both natural and synthetic sources of menthol available today, with synthetic menthol expected to see increasing market growth.

3 Types of Adulteration in Dietary Supplements and How to Detect Them

Economically motivated adulteration is a serious problem for many products, including dietary supplements. The association with being natural and having a positive impact on health has led to the increasing popularity of dietary supplements. The responsibility of the safety of these supplements lie primarily with the manufacturer. Both in the United States and European Union, […]

Beta Analytic Discusses the Adulteration of Curcumin and Natural Products

In a recent edition of Nutraceuticals Now, Beta Analytic Research Associate Anna Lykkeberg examined the adulteration of curcumin and how this translates into quality control for natural products in general. The article outlines the adulteration challenges and the role that carbon-14 testing can play in detecting petrochemical-derived adulterants in curcumin as well as the implications […]